
Bed & Breakfast La Pineta welcomes you wishing you a pleasant navigation between pages and photos of our website.

Orbetello is situated in the middle of a lagoon and is linked to Monte Argentariothrough a road built in 1841 on an artificial embankment (Dam), which has dividedthe lagoon into two stretches of water, the Laguna di Levante and Ponente.Two strips of land, called Tomboli Feniglia and Giannella, offering visitors several miles of beautiful beaches.

Bed & Breakfast La Pineta is located in the center of Orbetello  in front of Laguna di Levante: you will have the opportunity to spend a quiet and relaxing stay, but just 2 minutes far of the center.

Bed & Breakfast La Pineta - Lungolago Buozzi, 15 - Orbetello (GR) - Tel. +39.329.2962623 Fax +39.0564.865935 - P.IVA 01118480530
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